Have you ever had a dream that your teeth were falling out of your mouth? Apparently, it’s a very common dream! What does it mean? Why is it so common?
While this blog and your dentist cannot diagnose your dreams, they can diagnose your dental, oral health. Even though you probably won’t feel metaphysically enlightened after a trip to the dentist, you may feel refreshed! Still, let’s consider a couple reasons you may have teeth on the brain while you sleep.
“I just keep forgetting to brush!”
Habits are very important elements of our lives. Good habits can become second-nature to us, sometimes even feeling like some form of “muscle memory.” Unfortunately, the same can be said of bad habits. While good habits typically require dedication and grit to become part of our daily living, bad habits seem to pop up with very little effort!
The easiest way to incorporate a good dental routine into your day-to-day is to implement it in already established practices. At first, this will require some ingenuity – or even technology – to help you remember. Ask your dentist if they have any suggestions on how to build good dental practices into your day-to-day practices. Set an alarm on your phone, or, better yet, set a physical “roadblock” in your path. For example:
Put your toothbrush on top of your clothes for after your shower.
Tie your floss to your car keys so you have to deal with it before you leave the house.
The point is to trigger a physical response connected to dental hygiene, and to trigger that response before you move on to the next crucial part of your routine.
“I keep putting off my next dental appointment.”
Trying to diagnose some type of anxiety disorder is way beyond the scope of this blog. However, it is possible you’re uncomfortable with going to the dentist (many are). But here’s something many do not consider before or during dental appointments:
You can ask your dentist for more information about parts of your visit that make you uncomfortable.
Your dentist has a wealth of knowledge available to them. Perhaps your discomfort can be mollified by simply better understanding the nature of your visit and the procedures your dentist will perform! Don’t be afraid to ask questions about your visit; it’s your health, after all.
Your dentist probably can’t explicate your dreams for you. However, if you’ve had the famous teeth-falling-out dream, or something else related to your oral health, maybe it’s time to schedule your next appointment. Just in case…