Every dental office utilizes the skills, experience, and talent of a variety of team members. From the moment you walk into the clinic to that last swish of rinse, you’re served by many people. In fact, one could even say that the dental experience and process are much improved with the help of these professionals.
Your Dentist may be your primary oral health expert, but their work is enhanced by the efforts of Administrators, Dental Assistants, and Dental Hygienists. If you’ve ever wondered what role these folks play in your oral health, then read on!
Dental Office Administrators
For any dental clinic to function effectively, it needs to be effectively governed. Administrators are your go-to solution for any question involving your records, payments, appointments, and more. When you need to manage insurance information or have any general questions about the clinic or your upcoming visit, you’ll need to be in touch with the Administrators.
Dental Assistant
In some ways, you might think of a Dental Assistant as supplementary of the Dentist. They aid the Dentist before, during, and after your procedure. They can provide you with tips and tricks for your post-appointment, at-home care. Dental Assistants also function as a bridge between your Dentist and the Administrators when there are questions concerning records or insurance.
Dental Hygienists
When you visit the dental office on any regular basis, you may spend a lot of time with the Dental Hygienists. Dental Hygienists have much of the same education and training as Dentists, but they offer more general care than Dentists. Hygienists may participate in tooth polishing and removing plaque and tartar deposits and perform general or more specialized exams.
While it may seem pretty straightforward what a Dentist does, there are some aspects of their role you may not have known. For example, according to the Alberta Dental Association & College:
A dentist is a doctor of the oral cavity. They are knowledgeable about oral treatment, diagnosis and disease prevention. Your dentist knows how the health of your teeth, gums and mouth relates to your general health.
Dentists have six to eight years of education and are educated to not only spot the obvious but to detect early signs of cavities or periodontal disease. They are often the first to spot mouth and throat cancers. Dentists identify and address all of your dental health needs, and recommend and carry out a treatment plan.
There are many great people involved in your dental visits; perhaps, there more than you realized! Your interactions with the Administrators, Dental Assistants or Hygienists, and your Dentist are here to ensure your oral health is well-cared for. This article is only a brief snapshot of the ways your dental clinic serves you.
If you’d like to learn more about the fine folks at North Central Dental, you can click here or here. You can get in touch with us here. We hope to see you soon!